Just the Haze IPA

by Samuel Adams

Can Art
Overall Score: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 2.80

This beer has an identity crisis. It calls itself a hazy, but deep down, it’s all juicy.

Can Art

Boring. The Samuel Adams brand leans a little stodgy, and that carries through to this design. Nothing offensive, just uninspired.


A rich golden color with a decent head, but let’s be real—this is not hazy. Nowhere near the thick, opaque look you’d expect. Is a cloudy IPA a thing?


Very fruity and sweet, with strong tangerine and candy-like notes. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s also not what you’d expect from a hazy IPA.


Not thick or creamy like a true hazy—this drinks more like a juicy IPA. And here’s where things get interesting. If you squint at the can, you’ll notice it says “hazy, juicy, and refreshing.” Sam delivers on one of the three.


Let’s just call it what it is. This is a juicy IPA in hazy IPA packaging. It’s very fruity, light on hops, and entirely drinkable, just mislabeled. Nothing off-putting, but definitely misleading..

Final Verdict

Why market this beer as something it’s not? Because hazys are trendy? This is a serviceable juicy IPA masquerading as a hazy. If they had just called it what it is, expectations would be better aligned.

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